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Play by Sarah Kane, 1999

Initial storyboard sketches for the 2002 production. The storyboard was used as reference for rehearsals, and for the design of live video and video graphics.

The set consisted of a two floating planes; a hard backdrop and a slanting floor. Both were used for video projections. 

The scene numbering was added to the original script as an internal reference tool. 

link to project page 4:48 Psychosis

storyboard with 24 sketches - press white arrows to scroll 

3 sketches of the opening scenes - press white arrows to scroll 


or the discourse

Play by Meriam Bousselmi, 2015

Early sketches for the 2016 production depicting the opening scenes. In the actual staging the Dictator started out on a closed floor consisting of tightly alligned identical stools with some furniture and props positioned on top. At some point all the stools are simultanuously pulled backwards and remain dangling like a rough string curtain of stools.

The 2 carpets were suspended from rails and could be moved and turned and were used as room dividers and projection surfaces.

5 sketches of the opening scenes & 1 costume sketch - press white arrows to scroll 


after themes from
Søren Kierkegaard

Play by Roland Schimmelpfennig, 2013

Early sketches for the 2013 production depicting the opening scenes.

A large canvas bag fillled with cubical set elements was suspended over the backstage, a gymnastic bar was placed up front and a sandbox with occasional video projections, mapped onto sand reliefs, is seen to the right.

The bag opened and the set pieces were used by the actors for creating different arrangements. The suspended canvas was used for projections and could be operated with strings as a primitive and oversized form of puppetry in combination with live projections of a person filmed on stage.

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